Terms of Use

Live Canin offers a personalized subscription service that allows our users to access training content (“Live Canin content”) via the Internet on computers, tablets, and mobile phones (“devices compatible with Live Canin”). These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used herein, the terms “Live Canin service,” “our service,” or “the service” refer to the digital content service provided by Live Canin, which allows interaction with content and access via the chat available on our website. As used herein, the term “you” refers to the user who has created the Live Canin account and is being charged subscription fees via the chosen payment method.
  1. Subscription
1.1. Your Live Canin subscription continues until it is terminated. To use the Live Canin service, you must have Internet access and a device compatible with Live Canin, and you must provide us with one or more payment methods. A “Payment Method” means a current, valid, accepted payment method that can be updated from time to time and may include payment via your account with a third party. Unless you cancel your subscription before your billing date, you authorize us to charge the subscription fees for the next billing cycle through your Payment Method (see “Termination” below). 1.2. We may offer different subscription plans. You can find specific details about your Live Canin subscription by visiting the website livecanin.com and clicking on the “My subscription” link available at the top of the pages once you are logged in.
  1. Promotional Offers
We may occasionally offer special promotional offers and subscriptions (“Offers”). Eligibility for Offers is determined solely by Live Canin, and we reserve the right to revoke an Offer and suspend your account if we consider you ineligible. Household members already or recently subscribed to Live Canin may not be eligible for certain introductory Offers. We may use information such as device ID, account email address, or the Payment Method used with an existing or recent Live Canin subscription to determine eligibility for Offers. Eligibility criteria and other restrictions and conditions will be disclosed to you when you subscribe to the Offer or in other communications provided to you.
  1. Billing and Termination
3.1. Billing Cycle. The subscription fees for the Live Canin service will be charged via your Payment Method on the specific payment date indicated on the “My subscription” page. The duration of your billing cycle depends on the type of subscription you chose when signing up for the service. In some cases, your payment date may change, for example, if your Payment Method fails, when you change your subscription plan, or if your paid subscription started on a day not appearing in a given month. Please access the livecanin.com website and click on the “My subscription” link in your account menu to know your next billing date. If you signed up for Live Canin using an account with a third party as the Payment Method, you can access the billing information for your Live Canin subscription by visiting your account with the relevant third party. 3.2. Payment Methods. To use the Live Canin service, you must provide one or more Payment Methods. You authorize us to charge any Payment Method associated with your account in case your primary Payment Method is declined or is no longer available for payment of your subscription fees. You are responsible for any uncollected amounts. If a payment is not successfully settled due to the expiration of the Payment Method, insufficient funds, or for any other reason, and you do not cancel your account, we may suspend your access to our service until we have successfully charged a valid Payment Method. For some Payment Methods, the provider may charge certain fees, such as fees for international transactions or other fees relating to the processing of your Payment Method. Local tax rates may vary depending on the Payment Method used. Please refer to your Payment Method provider for more information. 3.3. Updating Your Payment Methods. You can update your Payment Methods by visiting the “My subscription” page. We may also update your Payment Methods with information provided by the payment service providers. After any update, you authorize us to continue to charge your account via the relevant Payment Method(s). 3.4. Termination. You can cancel your Live Canin subscription at any time, and you will continue to have access to the service until the end of your billing period. Payments are non-refundable, and we do not provide refunds or credits for partial use periods or for any unused Live Canin content. To cancel your subscription, visit the “My subscription” page and follow the instructions. If you cancel your subscription, your account will be automatically closed at the end of your current billing period. To know when your account will be closed, please click on “My subscription”. If you signed up for Live Canin using an account with a third party as the Payment Method and wish to cancel your Live Canin subscription, you may need to do so with that third party, for example, by visiting your account with that third party and disabling auto-renewal or unsubscribing from the Live Canin service through that third party. 3.5. Price and Subscription Changes. We may change our subscription plans and the price of our service from time to time. However, any changes to pricing or your subscription will only be effective after a minimum of 30 days following receipt of notification from us. If you do not wish to accept the changes in pricing or your subscription, you can cancel your subscription before these changes take effect.
  1. Live Canin Service
4.1. You must be at least 18 years old to subscribe to the Live Canin service. Minors may use the service only under adult supervision. 4.2. The Live Canin service, as well as any content accessed through the service, is for personal, non-commercial use only and should not be shared with individuals outside your household, unless your offer allows it. During your subscription, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access the Live Canin service and Live Canin content. Except as provided above, no rights, titles, or interests are granted to you. You agree not to use the service for public screenings. 4.3. Unless expressly permitted by us, you agree not to: (i) archive, reproduce, distribute, modify, display, perform, publish, license, create derivative works from, sell, or use the content and information of the Live Canin service (or obtained through it); (ii) circumvent, remove, alter, disable, destroy, block, obscure, or otherwise interfere with any content protection or other features of the Live Canin service, including the user interface, advertisements, copyright notices, and trademarks; (iii) use robots, spiders, web crawlers, or other automated methods to access the Live Canin service; (iv) decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble any software, product, or process accessible through the Live Canin service; (v) insert any code or product or manipulate the content of the Live Canin service in any way; (vi) use any data mining, data gathering, or extraction methods; (vii) upload, post, email, or otherwise send or transmit any content with the purpose of disrupting, damaging, or limiting the functionality of any software or computer or telecommunications equipment associated with the Live Canin service, including any virus or other computer code, files, or programs. We reserve the right to terminate or restrict your use of our service if you violate these Terms of Use or engage in illegal or fraudulent use of the service. 4.7. The display speed of Live Canin content may vary from device to device and may be influenced by different factors, including your location, available bandwidth, and/or Internet connection speed. 4.8. The Live Canin service uses OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology. By using our service, you agree that the content of your interactions in the Live Canin chat will be transferred within OpenAI to be processed by ChatGPT and then returned to you. This data exchange is mandatory for the functioning of Live Canin, and you are fully aware of it.
  1. Passwords and Account Access
Your password is for your personal use only and must remain confidential. If you allow others to access your account (including accessing information about the account’s viewing history), you agree that these persons act on your behalf and are bound by any modifications they may make to the account, including but not limited to changes to the subscription. To help maintain control over the account and prevent unauthorized access, you must keep control of the devices used to access the service and not share the password or information related to the Payment Method associated with the account with anyone. You agree to provide and maintain accurate account information, including a valid email address so that we can send you account-related notifications. We may terminate or suspend your account to protect you, Live Canin, or its partners from any identity theft or other fraudulent activity.
  1. Miscellaneous
6.1. Severability. If one or more provisions in these Terms of Use are found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain fully valid and effective. 6.2. Modification of Terms of Use. Live Canin may modify these Terms of Use from time to time. We will inform you at least 30 days before such modifications become effective. If you do not wish to accept the modifications, you can cancel your subscription before they take effect. 6.3. Electronic Communications. We will send you information about your account (e.g., payment authorizations, invoices, password or Payment Method changes, confirmations, notifications) electronically, such as by sending an email to the email address you provided during registration.
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